Epidaurus Lyceum | Efimia Karakantza

Who is the Outsider in the “Arrival of the Outsider”? Greek Tragedy and the Xenos.

Efimia Karakantza, Friday 14 July 2017 @16.00-17.30, Lygourio Cultural Center



This theoretical workshop will present the general outline of the thesis that Greek tragedy is centered on the arrival of the outsider. However, who is this outsider? A foreigner (a non-Greek), or a refugee of war or civil conflict? Could he/she be a woman, a rebel, an intransigent hero, in short, a non-canonical person in the Greek polis? Under which circumstances a person in the polis can be characterized as ‘non-canonical’, that is not complying with the laws of the community? Specific dramatic cases, such as Antigone, Oedipus the King, Medea, and The Trojan Women will be examined.


More info:

Eleusis (The arrival) by Efimia D. Karakantza

Epidaurus Lyceum | International summer school for ancient drama (Main page)

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Epidaurus Lyceum | Efimia Karakantza